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Playboy job जॉइन करें कमाएं 20 से 35 हजार पर डे -Call :7789929447

नमस्कार दोस्तों स्वागत है, आपका हमारे इस पेज पर और आज का हमारा बहुत ही बेहतरीन विषय है, playboy sex job  कैसे करें? कई लोग इसे escort service के नाम से भी जानते है |

Playboy job हमारे लिए कोई नया शब्द नहीं है. बेहतर करियर के लिए बेहतर अवसर के रूप में यह हमारे लिए बहुत परिचित है। कॉल बॉय सेवा भारत के लोकप्रिय शहरों में बहुत लोकप्रिय है।

आमतौर पर हाई-प्रोफाइल महिलाएं या लड़कियां कॉल बॉय सर्विस की तलाश में रहती हैं। इस लेख में, मैं sex job boy  के रहस्यों पर चर्चा करने जा रहा हूँ।

Play boy job की सच्चाई? playboy कैसे बने?

जो पुरुष पैसे के लिए किसी महिला के साथ कुछ समय बिताता है, उसे sex call boy या कॉल बॉय जॉब के रूप में जाना जाता है। आम तौर पर, यह हाई-प्रोफ़ाइल रिसॉर्ट्स और होटलों में होता है।

Male escort/call boy service या पुरुष वेश्यावृत्ति कार्रवाई भारत के कुछ प्रमुख शहरों में काम करती है। अधिकांश प्रमुख शहरों में वेश्यावृत्ति की अनुमति है ताकि लोग आनंद के साथ अपने समय का आनंद उठा सकें।

हम जिज्ञासु लड़कियों को सहायता प्रदान करते हैं जो एक बहुत (औसत) सुंदर Delhi sex job लड़के को नियुक्त करने के लिए उचित मात्रा में नकदी खर्च कर सकती हैं, इसलिए एक पुरुष एस्कॉर्ट को आरक्षित करने के लिए तुरंत कॉल करें।

हम किसी भी अवैध कार्य या निम्न-श्रेणी के ग्राहकों के लिए सेवा प्रदान नहीं करते हैं; यह वास्तव में एक लक्जरी स्थान है।

Delhi की High Standard महिलाएं play boy service क्यों बुक करती हैं?

यदि आप एक महिला हैं और आपका कोई पुरुष मित्र या प्रेमी नहीं है जो आपकी भावनाओं को समझ सके और आपको गहरा और लंबे समय तक चलने वाला यौन आनंद दे सके, तो सूरत में हमारी एजेंसी के xxx call boy को बुक करें और उनके साथ अपनी रात को बहुत शानदार और आनंदमय बनाएं।

ज्यादातर समय, असंतुष्ट गृहिणियों, अविवाहित लड़कियों, विधवाओं और तलाकशुदा लोगों द्वारा sex job for boys booking की जाती है।

Playboy job kaise karte hain

Playboy registration के लिए आप नीचे दी गई प्रक्रिया का पालन कर सकते हैं: –

STEP 1: कॉलबॉय जैसा वास्तविक कॉल बॉय जॉब प्रदाता खोजें और ढूंढें

STEP 2: कॉल बॉय सेवाओं के लिए नीचे दिया गया पंजीकरण फॉर्म भरें

STEP 3: सभी विवरण जमा करने के बाद, कृपया हमारी प्रतिक्रिया की प्रतीक्षा करें।

STEP 4: ग्राहक हमारी एजेंसी से आपका विवरण प्राप्त करके सीधे आपको कॉल करेगा।

STEP 5: अपने sex karne ke liye ladki ka number पर ग्राहकों से कॉल प्राप्त करें।

Free playboy job joining के लिए आवश्यकताएँ

यदि आप play boy job apply में रुचि रखते हैं तो आपको नीचे दी गई पात्रता का पालन करना होगा: –

· आदर्श शरीर आपकी ऊंचाई और वजन आपकी उम्र के अनुरूप होना चाहिए।

· शिष्टाचार अपने अंदर अच्छे संस्कार और सम्मानजनक व्यवहार विकसित करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध रहें।

· भाषा: –आपको हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में पारंगत होना चाहिए।

· बुरी आदतें- आपको नशीली दवाओं या शराब का सेवन करने वाला नहीं होना चाहिए।

Playboy job karna sahi hai ya galat

कई लोगों का मानना ​​है कि सेक्स के लिए एस्कॉर्ट बॉय या sex karne wali job के रूप में काम करना पैसे कमाने का एक अवैध तरीका है। हालाँकि, भारतीय कानून के अनुसार, भारत में वेश्यावृत्ति की पूरी तरह से अनुमति है।

लेकिन वेश्यालय चलाना, याचना करना और बाल वेश्यावृत्ति करना पूरी तरह से गैरकानूनी है। यदि आप वयस्क हैं, तो आपके पास Sex job के लिए आवेदन करने का कानूनी अधिकार है।

Play boy job part time salary

तो दोस्तों आपने सुना ही होगा कॉल गर्ल्स का नाम जो कि डोर स्टेप पर जाकर अपनी मर्जी से और उनके पार्टनर की मर्जी से दोनों एक दूसरे के साथ शरीर संबंध करते हैं, ठीक उसी प्रकार Gigolo call boy भी अपने मर्जी से और अपने पार्टनर की मर्जी से ही जो की महिलाएं होती है।

उनके साथ उनकी मर्जी से शारीरिक संबंध यानिकी कॉल बॉय सेक्स बनाते हैं, और उनको उच्च शारीरिक संबंध की संतुष्टि देने के बदले में वह लोग उनसे पैसे लेते हैं। Call boy job salary पैसे उनके घंटों के आधार पर रहते हैं।

Working place: आपको प्रति माह 4–10 ग्राहक मिलेंगे।

यदि आप इस प्रकार के और अधिक लेख या एस्कॉर्ट सेवा के बारे में जानकारी चाहते हैं, तो हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाएँ या  7789929447 पर संपर्क करें।

gigolo boy

Story of a Gigolo: Why Women Need More Fun & Fantasy from Playboy

This is the real story one of my close friends. Deepak who was a scholar student. He always stood first in class. He completed his graduation in chemistry but unfortunately there was no campus selection. He went to his aunt’s house for job purpose but failed to get a job. Then he moved to Mumbai followed by Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune and so on. But he was unemployed since last two years. Now he is Delhi, capital of India. He is in Delhi for last six months but unable to get a job.

He is fair, handsome, tall and good-looking man. He has extreme talent but nobody knows why he fails to qualify for a job. It is been almost three years, he is unemployed. Now he is feeling shame to ask his home for money. He wants to help his father, but very much unable. His cosine doesn’t allow him to do any unethical stuff. He is bind by his culture and society. He becomes very pathetic.

Around 4 months ago, when he change became a gigolo boy, he was least bothered about things such as why women, particularly married women and high profile college girls ones, would pay for playboy sex and about whether it makes them feel guilty.

As a sex job boy, he makes Rs 5,000 to Rs 15,000 depending on who he was catering to and how much time he spends with them. Everyone likes easy money, especially when it comes with sex, something which all of us enjoy.

One day he was standing on the bus stand. A car came and a fashionable gorgeous lady down the window and ask him to get in the car. He had no idea. He got inside the car. That hot lady gave him eight thousand rupees. He was surprised but he desperately needs money. So, he was quiet. That lady took him to his home and asked him to open his clothes. He followed to that lady and makes the stuff done. That was his first earning. He gave his contact number to that lady and the lady called him often and distributed his number among her friend.

At times, he could not help wondering what these women were going through in their personal lives. A regular client in South Delhi is married to an affluent businessman. They have half-a-dozen luxury cars. Every time he meets her, she becomes crazy and behaves in a way that one would expect her to behave with her husband.

She shows him all the things that she has recently bought and introduces him to her online friends over Skype. She buys for him costly clothes, wrist watches, phones. And she has so much to talk about. They have had sex many times, but with her, the act becomes secondary.

Then, there was this top university college girl whom he met only for one night at a hotel in Noida. She paid him Rs 10,000 per day. It turned out that her boyfriend had recently dumped her. There were no expressions on her face. Sitting on the bed, she kept talking about him until she fell asleep.

At the other extreme, are high society women or girls who are looking for nothing but for pure sexual pleasure. They have no qualms about what they want and they treat gigolo boy like an object.

playboy job

Playboy job-Some unknown Story of sex Play boy

Hey I am Priyanka, 24 yr. old. I lived in Delhi metro city; at that time, me and my boyfriend live in relation at a rent home. After two and a half years turned around one day and told me he didn’t want a long-term relationship. He was living in my house and everything seemed perfect, but he was one years younger and had a vision that he still wanted to travel the world. It was very painfully unoriginal for me. I was totally put down.

After a few weeks, I desire some fun and excitement. I needed someone who spend some time with me with fun and sex also. I needed skin-to-skin contact and the rush of flirting.

I have continued my daily work at a Morning 11 Am to night 9 Pm office job for a call center company in Delhi, which did little to get my mind off my loneliness, so I downloaded all the dating apps on the internet. But it felt hopeless.

How I ended my search for satisfaction at

Four months after the breakup, one of my friends convinced me to take a look at an escorting site She’d worked on it as an escort herself for years and told me to consider ‘ordering’ a sex job boy to get the sexual ball rolling.

She assured me that people who pay for sex job aren’t just losers who can’t get a shag in normal life. ‘I’ve had young clients, even quite hot ones,’ she said, ‘It’s usually about the thrill.’

How I started my 1st meeting with

Later that night, I decided to have a quick browse of some escorting site Obviously, I was strange. As I scrolled down the site the never-ending images of hot men in my local area, there were some guys I wouldn’t go near, but there were some I most definitely would.

It was about 11.30 pm when I was in bed, I hit send on a message on, I found a man. His face was nice enough and his smile friendly – if it was actually his. ‘What if these photos weren’t of him?’ I thought. He replied the next day asking straightforward questions about time and date planning.

My first sex experience with 1st meeting playboy

The sex with that strange Play boy was incredible. It was as if he knew everything my body craved before I did. There was a commitment to my pleasure and my needs that I’d never experienced before. It felt selfless. He wasn’t expecting anything in return and he didn’t allow me to try. It was all about me. As he left, I told him his price was selling him seriously short.

Afterwards, I did feel a little dirty. But only in the way a one-time hook-up always makes you feel, in the back of your mind. I still worried that it was embarrassing. Fear struck me at the thought of anyone I knew finding out.


By the second time, I felt empowered and liberated. I saw the same guy three times in total, on a monthly basis, my self-care treats as it were. We kept in contact and had brief chats while arranging our next meetings. It felt almost like a friendship. There was no stress over what any of it meant, I wasn’t ever looking down and not feeling loneliness.

I had consulted with so many agents through this but according to me the service provided by these guys you that no one can match.




Playboy job

Play boy job kaise karte hain-Know details by

Playboy is the name given to a man who earns money by providing companionship and intimate services to women. The profession of Playboy has been around for centuries, but today’s Playboy is more focused on satisfying emotional needs and companionship rather than physical ones.

How to join Playboy job 7789929447

Various employment opportunities are emerging today. The Playboy job is also one of them, about which many youths are excited. However, it is important to understand the qualifications, application process, and other important information required to get this job. In this article, we will discuss in detail play boy job kaise karte hain and answer some common questions related to it.

What is Playboy job? how to join Playboy job

Playboy job is where a person has to contact customers by phone. These jobs are in various industries such as telemarketing, customer service, sales, and support services. The main job of a sex job for boys is to provide information to customers about products and services, solve their problems, and provide assistance to them.

Play boy job kaise milega 2024

There are some major requirements to join Playboy job sex:

Educational Qualification: Generally, one must have passed at least 12th class. Some higher positions may require a graduate degree.

Communication Skills: Good speaking and listening abilities are essential. Playboys should be able to communicate clearly and effectively.

Computer Knowledge: Basic computer knowledge and typing skills are required.

Patience and problem-solving skills: Playboys need to have patience and skill in solving customer problems.

Hygiene and Health: Maintaining personal hygiene and taking care of your health is of utmost importance. You should be in good health and undergo regular health check-ups.

Patience and Empathy: Understanding the emotions of women and showing empathy towards them is vital. In this job, you need to listen to the women and provide emotional support patiently.

How to Join Playboy Job 2024

Use Online Job Portals

Create your profile on various online job portals and search for Playboy jobs. Some major portals like

sex karne ke liye ladki ka number

You can contact local employment agencies in your city. These agencies can help you find a suitable job and schedule an interview for you. You can contact on this play boy job contact number (7789929447). If you have any questions related to how to join Playboy job, please comment.

Apply On play boy job whatsapp number

To apply on WhatsApp, first of all, contact the play boy job whatsapp number (7789929447) in which you want to apply. Next, prepare your resume and essential information in a concise message. Send your message to that number and make sure your message is professional and clear. After sending the application, wait for the response and complete further requirements.

Benefits of Playboy job

Flexible Working Hours: Playboy service can have flexible working hours, allowing you to balance your personal and professional life.

Good Salary: The salary in this sex job can be good, especially if you are working in a reputed company.

Career Growth: With Playboy Job, you can advance your career faster and reach higher positions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Playboy job?

Ans: Playboy job is where a person contacts customers by phone and gives them information about products or services. how to join Playboy job

Is Playboy job safe?

Ans: Yes, Playboy job is safe, provided that you are working in a reputed company and follow all the rules of the company.

What are the benefits of Playboy job?

Ans: Benefits of Playboy jobs include flexible working hours, good salary, and career growth.

How to get playboy job?

Ans: Build your presence on social media and promote your personality. This can attract more women who might be interested in your services.